Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Privacy Practices Have Changed Over Time Essay - 750 Words

Privacy practices have changed over time. Lewis Maltby is president of the National Workrights Institute (formerly the ACLU’s national employment rights project). He has been consulted by the sponsors of every major congressional privacy bill since 1990 and has testified before Congress numerous times (Maltby, L. 2016). He feels that the battle of workplace privacy is over and he feels that privacy is lost and it is no longer in the workplace. Maltby states that Since 1990, three attempts have been made to enact federal privacy legislation. The first was the proposed Privacy for Consumers and Workers Act (PCWA). PCWA would have required employers to fully disclose all monitoring programs to employees and provide the employee and the customer immediate notice when a specific telephone call was being monitored. PCWA was passed by the House Labor Committee but was not brought up for a vote. The Senate version had almost no cosponsors, even though the Senate was heavily Democratic , and was never brought up in Committee (Maltby, L. 2016). Maltby stated that in 2000, the Notice of Electronic Monitoring Act (NEMA) by Senator Charles Schumer. The act gained some bipartisan support, including House of Representative Bob Barr, which of whom was a conservative Republican. Unfortunately, due to the events that occurred 9/11, it was knocked form the agenda and never reintroduced. In 2008, Matlby states that the Employee Changing Room Privacy Act (ECPRA) by Rob Andrews. This billsShow MoreRelatedIntent of the Framers1628 Words   |  7 PagesFramers In this paper I will describe the original intent of the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to privacy, and criminals’ rights. I will explain current views of the provisions of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to privacy, and criminals’ rights. 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